
How Larry Walden Plans to “Keep Parker County, PARKER COUNTY”

Larry Walden believes in less government and lower taxes, leaving more money in the pockets of the people of Parker County. A born and raised member of the Parker County community, Larry Walden seeks to ensure members of his community are proud to be residents of his precinct and county.

Limit Government & Lower Taxes

Part of Larry Walden’s mission as Commissioner of Parker County Precinct #3 is to limit government and manage county government with the lowest possible tax rate. He has the experience and skills to back that up, and his achievements during his first two terms prove that. During his time in office, Precinct 3 has received over 2 million dollars in grants.

Prevent Waste & Utilize Resources Efficiently

Another key element of Larry Walden’s mission in office is to prevent waste in county government, and to utilize the resources he manages in the most efficient manner possible. With over 30 years of experience in preparing and managing multi-million dollar public budgets, working on and with multi-member management boards, and managing personnel, Larry Walden has shown he is the man for the job.

Have the Safest & Best-Maintained Roads Possible

The final point in Larry Walden’s mission as Commissioner of Parker County Precinct #3 is to have the safest, best maintained roads possible, in a way that makes the members of his community proud to be residents of his precinct and county. During his time in office, Larry Walden has worked on projects to improve numerous bridges in the precinct, as well as re-construct and widen roads.