
Commissioner Larry Don Walden

Larry Walden has lived in Parker County his entire life. His great great grandfather came here after the Civil War; he was here on the 1870 census, making Larry a fifth generation Parker County resident. He has also spent his entire career working in the Parker County community. He was an educator for 30 years, retiring in 2010. Along with his brother Jerry, he also owns businesses here – Walden Farm & Ranch Supply, Inc.

Born and raised right here in Parker County, Larry Walden is a fifth-generation Parker County resident. He takes great pride in serving and representing his community as county commissioner precinct 3. He is currently seeking his third term to be able to continue that great work, striving to utilize the county’s resources efficiently, manage county government with the lowest possible tax rate, and have the safest and best-maintained roads possible, so that his fellow Parker County residents can be proud of their community.

Achievements in Office

During Larry’s two terms in office, he has been proud to be a part of many achievements for his county and precinct. He is “A Proven Conservative Leader” who has worked hard for years to serve the people of Parker County. He is seeking a third term to finish some of the important projects he has started while in office, and to be able to continue the great work he has been doing so far as Commissioner Precinct 3.

  • Parker County Strategic Water Plan: working through the county judge’s office, Commissioner Walden has worked to begin the process of developing the Strategic Water Plan for the County.
  • Precinct 3 has received over 2 million dollars in grants during his term, including enough to entirely rebuild and pave Thompson Road with grant funds.
  • The bridge on Buckner Road was built with TXDOT grant funds.
  • The 5 new trucks purchased during his term were paid for with TCEQ Emission Reduction Grants. The 5 trucks were purchased with the 80% grant, 5 trucks for the cost of one.
  • Since precinct 3 began the Emission reduction grants, all the other precincts have participated as well. The precinct has 4 dump trucks that will qualify for replacement in 2020.
  • Sheriff Larry Fowler has funded the purchase of a new pickup from jail commissary funds, to be used for shuttling inmates to the precinct to work.
  • Spring Creek Bridge was replaced using a local contractor, saving approximately 1 million dollars.
  • 5 bridges were replaces on Greenwood Road, so that there are no longer any narrow load zoned bridges on Greenwood.
  • Old Brock Road Bridge was widened to a two-lane bridge.
  • The bridge deck on Greenwood Road at Gopher was completely replaced.
  • Bridges were replaced with railroad tank cars on Old Brock Road, Greenwood Road, and Old Millsap Road.
  • The main arteries were re-constructed on Thompson Road, Old Brock Road, Greenwood Road, and Fairview Road.
  • Those roads were widened using donated recycled asphalt from TXDOT.

Why You Should Vote for Larry Walden
Larry Don Walden for Commissioner Precinct 3

“The Commissioner’s job is to oversee the operation of one of the biggest businesses in Parker County, the 55 million dollar county budget. I have the experience to do that and oversee the construction and maintenance of the 355 miles of road in this precinct. I believe I am uniquely qualified for the job. I graciously ask for your support and vote in this important election. Help me ‘Keep Parker County, PARKER COUNTY’.” – Larry Don Walden